Market terminology Order block and its use for stock exchange trading Order block: types and advantages An order block is a defined area of supply and demand within which market participants…
Market terminology What is a letter of credit: features of the document Letter of credit as a guarantee of receiving a payment A letter of credit is a form of payment whereby…
Market terminology The Average Daily Range stock indicator: features of the tool What information is available from the Average Daily Range The Average Daily Range indicator is based on a search for…
Market terminology Risk-free interest rate as an opportunity to generate income with a minimum probability of loss The risk-free interest rate and its features A risk-free interest rate is paid on a financial instrument whose probability of…
Market terminology Forex drawdown and why you shouldn’t be afraid of it What is Forex drawdown A drawdown in Forex is a situation where unsuccessful trades result in reduced funds in the…
Market terminology PAMM accounts as a low-risk profit option PAMM accounts: an overview of the fund management mechanism A PAMM account is a money management mechanism where the withdrawal…
Market terminology Commitments of Traders indicator as a source of insight into the overall market picture Benefits of using the Commitments of Traders indicator The Commitments of Traders indicator allows you to determine the level of…
Market terminology How paper trading is in use today Paper trading as a way to gain market skills With the development of special applications for online activities, paper trading…
Market terminology BlackRock: 60/40 strategy has become ineffective for today’s market The 60/40 strategy is losing its relevance: the reasons BlackRock experts have reconsidered their approach to building an investment portfolio….
Market terminology Slippage in trading as a risk factor in financial market When slippage in trading occurs One of the critical conditions for profits in trading is correctly identifying entry and exit…
Analytics American bankers from JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs advise to invest in gold: review by Chaslau Koniukh. Press Secretary 17.08.2020
Analytics Chaslau Koniukh on the analysts’ opinion on the key stake size change soon Press Secretary 18.06.2020
Analytics Chaslau Koniukh: Internet trade market in Russia may reach 2.78 trillion rubles. Press Secretary 30.05.2020
Analytics Will the U.S. oil shale industry be able to quickly recover from the crisis: A Review by Chaslau Koniukh Press Secretary 16.05.2020